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From Music Hall to Beanstalk


Yeo Valley Lions Club provides financial and volunteer support for an Information and Activities Hub, run by the Alzheimer's Society, supporting people living with dementia. The Hub meets monthly at Yatton Youth Club and has a Programme, based on suggestions from those attending. 
The latest activity was Lewis and Furneaux "In Concert" with illustrated musical entertainment entitled "From Music Hall to Beanstalk".
The session was interactive with enthusiastic audience participation. The unanimous view was that it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and one that they would like to repeat with other content from the performers' repertoire.

For more about the Information and Activities Hub contact Helen Harvy-Foster, Dementia Advisor, 07740456706

Lions Lunch Clubs regulars receive card and congratulations from the King and Queen on their 65th Wedding Anniversary
Lunch Club
At this month's Lions Lunch Club regular attendees Joan and Gwyn Davies proudly showed off a signed photographic card and congratulatory message they had received from the palace to recognise the couple's 65th wedding anniversary. 
The lunch club takes place on the third Wednesday of each month and is held in the Yatton Rugby club. The session starts at 12:30 with lunch served at 1 pm. We provide a main course and a pudding, at the remarkable value of £5 a person. The lunch club can help you forge new friendships or rekindle old ones and share good food and good company. Our club is friendly and supportive and run by Lions members and other volunteers. Loneliness and isolation are feelings that we can all experience, but it can be worse when you are older. So why not come along.
For catering purposes, if you are coming to the Lunch Club for the first time, please let either of the Lion Geoff's (Bland or Gibbs) know. Additionally, any problems getting to the Rugby Club, we can arrange transport in our minibus. The Lion Geoff's can be contacted on (01934) 832118 or 834091.
Lions visit our local Air Ambulance base
In March Yeo Valley Lions were invited to a tour of our local Air Ambulance's base. This was to thank the club for the support we have given them over the past couple of years - £6000 from last year's Golf Day and a further donation from funds raised at last summer's Beer Festival. The tour was fascinating; the base is situated adjacent to the M5 north of Bristol and as well as the helicopter they have three Rapid Response cars stuffed full of equipment that you would find in a hospital emergency department. They were between call outs so we were able to meet the pilot and some of the specialist paramedics. On average they attend five incidents a day, a third of these by helicopter and roughly two thirds by car - being so close to the motorway network means it's often quicker to use the cars. Half of the calls are to trauma incidents and half are medical, the majority of the latter are cardiac arrests so time is of the essence.

Photos Here

Yeo Valley Lions Beer and Cider Festival was a great success. Thank you to our sponsors and all who supported and attended.
Festival Poster 2023

Strawberry Lion Walk 2022

View Pictures Here

Thank You To All Who So Generously Supported Our Santa Sleigh Visiting Streets In Our Area. 
Father Christmas has now returned to the North Pole for a well earned rest, following his exertions in the run up to Christmas. Before he left he asked me to thank all the residents of the area covered by Yeo Valley Lions Club (Yatton, Cleeve, Claverham, Congresbury, Wrington and Langford) for the support they gave whilst he was on his annual tour round the district. He was delighted that he was able to assist the Lions raise over £8000 to enable them to continue helping others throughout the year, and appreciated the warm reception that he and his band of elves received wherever they went. In addition club members raised nearly £130 though the collections at their Carol Service.

Yeo Valley Lions Club recognised by the Alzheimer's Society as a Dementia Friendly Organisation

Here are some of the events that the Yeo Valley Lions have been involved in in order to benefit local causes.

Young Carers Outing to Bath Christmas Market

Success For Local Young Musician


Young Lions In Service Awards

Business Meetings
Second Tuesday Each Month @ 8pm
Yatton Village Hall

Charity Number - 280660

0345 833 9602
