Wake Warlock Trust 

In 1994 Mrs F M T Worlock, nee Wake of the Wake & Dean Furniture Factory, bequeathed to the Yeo Valley Lions Club 3 properties divided into 6 flats with a wish that they should be used to house local elderly people. These properties are held in the Wake/Worlock Trust and after maintaining and improving the properties any surplus funds are used to enhance the quality of life for elderly residents in the area. In addition a large contribution was made to the rebuilding of the Library and the meeting room in the Library is known as the Wake/Worlock Room. The flats are all currently occupied but if anyone is interested in being considered for a tenancy in the future they may contact Geoff Bland on 01934 832118

Business Meetings
Second Tuesday Each Month @ 8pm
Yatton Village Hall

Charity Number - 280660

0345 833 9602
