New Drum Kit Arrives

Churchill Primary School has a very active and enthusiastic group of children who were formed into a School Orchestra as well as having an ambition of playing in the Lions Brass for Youth Band which is supported by local Lions Clubs. One very important piece of equipment missing from the school resources was a set of drums, of which no band can be without. Yeo Valley Lions Club was informed of this problem and decided to make a donation to the School towards the purchase of a suitable drum kit. The kit duly arrived and with great excitement was demonstrated with gusto to a full School assembly.

Curchill Primary_Drum_Kit

The photograph shows three of the children who are learning to play drums, together with Mrs Faulkner, the School’s music coordinator. Lion President Kevin Moore and Youth Director Barry Straughton were invited to the school assembly to hear the kit in action. The Lions Club sees this support as of benefit to the children, the school and the local community, a truly ‘sound’ investment!

Business Meetings
Second Tuesday Each Month @ 8pm
Yatton Village Hall

Charity Number - 280660

0345 833 9602
